Images are read into the MATLAB environment using function imread,
>> imread('filename. format');
>> f = imread('a.jpg');
>> f = imread('D:\myimages\a.jpg');
Typing size at the prompt gives the row and column dimensions of an
>> size(f)
This syntax returns the number of rows (M) and columns (N) in the image.
>> [M, N] = size(f);
This syntax gives the size of f along its first dimension, which is defined by MATLAB as the
vertical dimension.
>> M = size(f, 1);
Displaying Images
Images are displayed on the MATLAB desktop using function imshow, which has the basic syntax:
>> imshow(f)
>> imshow(f, [low high])
displays as black all values less than or equal to low, and as white all values greater than or
equal to high.
Image Tool
Image Tool in the Image Processing Toolbox provides a more interactive environment for viewing and
navigating within images, displaying detailed information about pixel values, measuring distances,
and other useful operations.
>> f = imread('a.jpg');
>> imtool(f)
Writing Images
>> imwrite(f, 'filename')
>> imwrite(f, 'patient10_run1.bmp')
Function imwrite writes the image as a BMP file because it recognizes the .tif extension in the
imfinfo filename
where filename is the file name of the image stored on disk. For example,
>> imfinfo a.jpg
outputs the following information (note that some fields contain no information in this case):
Filename: 'a.jpg'
FileModDate: '04-Jan-2003 12:31:26'
FileSize: 13849
Format: 'jpg'
FormatVersion: ''
Width: 714
Height: 682
BitDepth: 8
ColorType: 'grayscale'
FormatSignature: ''
Comment: {}
>> imread('filename. format');
>> f = imread('a.jpg');
>> f = imread('D:\myimages\a.jpg');
Typing size at the prompt gives the row and column dimensions of an
>> size(f)
This syntax returns the number of rows (M) and columns (N) in the image.
>> [M, N] = size(f);
This syntax gives the size of f along its first dimension, which is defined by MATLAB as the
vertical dimension.
>> M = size(f, 1);
Displaying Images
Images are displayed on the MATLAB desktop using function imshow, which has the basic syntax:
>> imshow(f)
>> imshow(f, [low high])
displays as black all values less than or equal to low, and as white all values greater than or
equal to high.
Image Tool
Image Tool in the Image Processing Toolbox provides a more interactive environment for viewing and
navigating within images, displaying detailed information about pixel values, measuring distances,
and other useful operations.
>> f = imread('a.jpg');
>> imtool(f)
Writing Images
>> imwrite(f, 'filename')
>> imwrite(f, 'patient10_run1.bmp')
Function imwrite writes the image as a BMP file because it recognizes the .tif extension in the
imfinfo filename
where filename is the file name of the image stored on disk. For example,
>> imfinfo a.jpg
outputs the following information (note that some fields contain no information in this case):
Filename: 'a.jpg'
FileModDate: '04-Jan-2003 12:31:26'
FileSize: 13849
Format: 'jpg'
FormatVersion: ''
Width: 714
Height: 682
BitDepth: 8
ColorType: 'grayscale'
FormatSignature: ''
Comment: {}
Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
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